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In case you have one or more dependants (partner, child,…), they can benefit from your insurance policy Medical care, provided you have completed your dossier. You can do so using the online form.

Continue to the form Affiliation - Dependants(New window)

Please read the paragraphs below to check what documents you will be asked to provide if a dependant needs to be included.

When the dependant is your spouse or cohabitant

Please check out the documents you need to provide:

  • A declaration issued by the most recent health insurance fund or by another Belgian or non-Belgian comparable institute you were affiliated to, stating the end date of your affiliation. This declaration is not required in case of a career break entitling an allowance by the National Employment Office,
  • In case of a career break: form C62 issued by the National Employment Office,
  • A Declaration of income (dependants) – model 8 form (in French)(.pdf-New window).
  • In case the dependant is your spouse, you need to provide a marriage certificate, authenticated by the Belgian authorities in case the marriage did not take place in Belgium.

    In case the dependant is a cohabitant, you need to present a declaration issued by the local authorities stating the cohabitant has been living together with the insured for longer than the past 6 months. This is not required in case you have been registered officially as cohabitants more than 6 months ago.

    Children and grandchildren

    Please check out the documents you need to provide:

    • A birth certificate authenticated by the Belgian authorities in case the child was born abroad,
    • Once a year you need to provide a school certificate or an apprenticeship certificate in case the child is over 18 years and under 25 years old,
    • For grandchildren you need to provide any document proving they are in effect dependant.
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